Thursday 12 July 2007

The Adventures of Super Librarian

I can't resist introducing you to Super Librarian, just in case you haven't already met her. Its a 35 second promo video from McCracken County Public Library, Kentucky. This brings me to an interesting point.
We can sometimes be guilty of mistaking promotion for pedagogy when considering YouTube materials. Most of the library ones that I've seen have been more about promotion and orientation, rather than teaching or facilitating student learning. Maybe there are some new offerings out there being created with superb pedagogical credentials? Anyway Super Librarian isnt one of them!


Jenny Delasalle said...

Hi Peter,
I am without sound at the mo. so can't check out the clips you recommend. Nor can I investigate TeacherTube properly, but you may find content with more pedagogical intent there...


Katharine Widdows said...

its a bit scary that promoting Librarians involves showing the world the exact stereotype that i am rather hoping we can loose. Yes, she has a super hero costume, but all she does in this clip is put books on a trolley and scan a few bar codes. I'm a little horrified.