Friday 30 March 2007

Judgement and Web 2.0

This very thoughtful post from Judy O'Connell is well worth reading. In our enthusiasm about Web 2.0 we must not forget the importance of using the technology for deeper learning. Its not gimmicks : its really about helping student learning.

Thursday 29 March 2007

Ms Dewey

Reflecting on the LILAC Conference In Manchester I suspect that those who heard my presentation on "From Google Scholar to YouTube" will remember most the heckling voice which interrupted my Powerpoint delivery! Setting up Ms Dewey on the Web to sit beneath my Powerpoint I did not expect it to launch! The results were found to be hilarious because no-one could understand where the voice was coming from!
Anyway, for those of you who have never met Ms. Dewey, the experimental Microsft search engine here is the link

Tuesday 6 March 2007

Introducing the Book - again

This wonderful little video has now been moved on YouTube to